Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What Does the World Need?

Monday while being bombarded with all the 9/11 news, comments and opinions i found myself thinking about the needs of our world and what ways God wanted to use me in meeting these needs. I was flooded with emotions as the book of Acts began playing in my mind. I remembered Jesus' last words right before he ascended into the clouds. I thought about the disciples being so unified in prayer and the day of Pentecost when men heard these Galilean Apostles speaking in every language known. The sermon of the less than distinguished Peter and the 3000 that were added to their number. I thought of the early church described in Acts 2.42-47 being the greatest example of what Paul would command the Philippians to in Phil. 2.5, when he exhorts them to have the mind(attitude) of Christ. What an awesome picture, believers considering one another as more important than themselves. What a challenge for us! While thinking of the church being sold out to Christ, i thought about the miraculous healings and the preaching of Peter and John that led to thousands more believing in Christ, not to mention their arrest and persecution. (The Jewish religious leaders ordered Peter and John not to speak of Jesus anymore, yet Peter and John never gave in. Instead they went to their fellowship and reported everything that happened to them. Immediately they began PRAYING... what a novel thing to do.)

{This is where God really began speaking to me}

Acts 4.24-31 is the account of Peter and John praying with their fellowship. What is contained in these verses could quite possibly be what we as believers should be praying. These follower's of The Way (not yet called Christians...see Acts 11.26) remembered the evil and the opposition that they were up against and instead of praying for safety, ease, and protection they prayed, "And now, Lord, consider their threats, and grant that Your slaves may speak Your message with COMPLETE BOLDNESS." And that is exactly what God did, he granted them boldness to speak and live the message of Christ (see Acts 4.32-37 for example).

I think this is what we Christians should be doing... praying for boldness to speak of Christ in every situation. Not hindered by the stereotype that might be placed on us, or the rumors that may ensue. Would we become the example that Paul sets forth in Phil. 2.5-11? Would we begin whole heartedly praying pleaing for the boldness to renew our minds and force our bodies into submission that we would speak and live out the life of Christ daily. (cf.- Acts 4.29; Rom. 12.1-2; 1 Cor. 9.24-27)

I wonder what kind of impact a bold, courageous Christian could have on the world today? Not simply saying the right words but living them as well. I think this is what Paul exhorts believers to in Rom. 12.1 when he urges, "Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, i urge you to present your bodies (all of you, not just words and not just actions, but all) as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual act of worship."In essence Paul is saying "Therefore", because of everything God has done for us: a.k.a.- gave us His son(John 3.16), provided propitiation (payment) (Rom. 3.25), freed us from sin(Rom. 6.15-18), law (Rom. 8.1-4), death (Rom. 6.5), etc., and has given us assurance and security (Rom ch. 8). Because of these things and so much more that God has done for us it is only fitting that we would in return give up our selfish desires and offer our lives to God. Meaning that we are giving God everything we have, our mind, abilities, desires, talents, etc. to be used however He deems necessary. Paul tells Christians that this is how you truly give worth or worship to God. Paul follows in verse 2 with the "how to" guide. We are to change our minds, what we think about. flee from the evil desires of this world and cling to the awe inspiring God of the Bible, then we will be able to approve of God's will, His good, pleasing, and perfect will.

To answer my own question " What does the World need?" I would have to answer: Jesus! Then that answer must be quickly followed up by Christians making Jesus glory known in all the earth. Which happens when we forget about ourselves and begin meeting the needs of others.these are my thoughts what are yours?


Brother James said...

I totally agree.Jesus is what the world needs .But, To many today are dead(in their heart).

Justin Arnold said...

Which is of course a sad reality. But that reality should move us to strive and fight a little harder everyday that one more might believe in Christ Jesus for the free gift of eternal life.