Check out this blog for an excellent review of the three phases of salvation (Justification, Sanctification, & Glorification).
This link is to a campuis ministry at Mississippi State University called Phase II. In the blog they explain where their name came from.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Unveling Christianity... (part 2)
Is Change Inevitable?
Without change we would not be where we are now. The early church would have never made it, the many councils would have never been necessary, the reformation would be non-existent, and we would probably not have heard the Gospel. I am not trying to diminish God of His sovereignty, I am simply trying to make us think about the facts at hand. Change is inevitable. Rob Bell in his book Velvet Elvis wrote:
Times change. God doesn't, but times do. We learn and grow, and the world around us shifts, and the Christian Faith is alive only when it is listening, morphing, innovating, letting go of whatever has gotten in the way of Jesus and embracing whatever will help us to be more and more the people that God wants us to be.
There are endless examples of this ongoing process, so I’ll describe just one. Around 500 years ago, a man named Martin Luther raised a whole series of questions about the painting the church was presenting to the world. He insisted that God's grace could not be purchased with money or good deeds. He wanted everyone to have their own copy of the Bible in a language that they could read. He argued that everyone had a divine calling on their lives to serve God, not just priests who had jobs in churches. This concept was revolutionary for the world at that time. He was articulating earth-shattering ideas for his listeners. And they heard him. And something big, something historic, happened. Things changed. Thousands of people connected with God in ways they hadn't before.
But that wasn't the end of it. Luther was taking his place in a long line of people who never stopped rethinking and repainting the faith. Shedding unnecessary layers and at the same time rediscovering essentials that had been lost. Luther's work was part of what came to be known as the Reformation. Because of this movement, the churches he was speaking against went through their own process of rethinking and repainting, making significant changes as a result.
And this process hasn't stopped.
It Can't.
In fact, Luther's contemporaries used a very specific word for this endless, absolutely necessary process of change and growth. They didn't use the word reformed; they used the word reforming. This distinction in crucial. They knew that they and others hadn't gotten it perfect forever. They knew that the things they said and did and wrote and decided would need to be revisited. Rethought. Reworked.
I think we live in a time where many churches are changing with the times. Some are changing to line up with the Biblical standard while others are changing to allow unbiblical teachings.
It is critical that our change is based solely on Scripture, not because we don't like something or want to make our faith politically correct. We must stay faithful to our creator, sustainer, redeemer and friend. Change is a good thing when we are realigning with God's word.
Without change we would not be where we are now. The early church would have never made it, the many councils would have never been necessary, the reformation would be non-existent, and we would probably not have heard the Gospel. I am not trying to diminish God of His sovereignty, I am simply trying to make us think about the facts at hand. Change is inevitable. Rob Bell in his book Velvet Elvis wrote:
Times change. God doesn't, but times do. We learn and grow, and the world around us shifts, and the Christian Faith is alive only when it is listening, morphing, innovating, letting go of whatever has gotten in the way of Jesus and embracing whatever will help us to be more and more the people that God wants us to be.
There are endless examples of this ongoing process, so I’ll describe just one. Around 500 years ago, a man named Martin Luther raised a whole series of questions about the painting the church was presenting to the world. He insisted that God's grace could not be purchased with money or good deeds. He wanted everyone to have their own copy of the Bible in a language that they could read. He argued that everyone had a divine calling on their lives to serve God, not just priests who had jobs in churches. This concept was revolutionary for the world at that time. He was articulating earth-shattering ideas for his listeners. And they heard him. And something big, something historic, happened. Things changed. Thousands of people connected with God in ways they hadn't before.
But that wasn't the end of it. Luther was taking his place in a long line of people who never stopped rethinking and repainting the faith. Shedding unnecessary layers and at the same time rediscovering essentials that had been lost. Luther's work was part of what came to be known as the Reformation. Because of this movement, the churches he was speaking against went through their own process of rethinking and repainting, making significant changes as a result.
And this process hasn't stopped.
It Can't.
In fact, Luther's contemporaries used a very specific word for this endless, absolutely necessary process of change and growth. They didn't use the word reformed; they used the word reforming. This distinction in crucial. They knew that they and others hadn't gotten it perfect forever. They knew that the things they said and did and wrote and decided would need to be revisited. Rethought. Reworked.
I think we live in a time where many churches are changing with the times. Some are changing to line up with the Biblical standard while others are changing to allow unbiblical teachings.
It is critical that our change is based solely on Scripture, not because we don't like something or want to make our faith politically correct. We must stay faithful to our creator, sustainer, redeemer and friend. Change is a good thing when we are realigning with God's word.
Unveiling Christianity...(part 1)
Is Christianity changing?
The past few years I have noticed that Christian media has changed. The best sellers of the past are not affecting the market quite as much as they did before. Why is this? I believe that as demographics and cultures change so does our media(I know this is a profound statement). Why are songs and books that deal with being authentic becoming so popular. Are Christians getting tired of faking their way through church, and acting as if they have it all together. Is there a profound change taking place in Christianity today?
Think about Christian artists, such as: Todd Agnew, Casting Crowns, Derek Webb, etc. All of these artists have at least one thing in common, they magnify the fact that most Christians are just going through the motions, settling for mediocrity. Todd Agnew's My Jesus confronts the issue that if we are imitating Christ then we would not look like the world. Casting Crown's Stained Glass Masquerade speaks about the fact that we are all hiding behind smiles and raised hands. Derek Webb's I Repent, Wedding Dress, T-Shits, etc. all address the notion that we act just like the world, when we are called to be and should be different.
The past couple of books that I have read deal with these same issues: Blue Like Jazz, The Importance of Being Foolish, and Velvet Elvis. Why is there such a draw to write and produce songs and books of this nature?
Maybe it is because they are saying what we are feeling. What do you think?
The past few years I have noticed that Christian media has changed. The best sellers of the past are not affecting the market quite as much as they did before. Why is this? I believe that as demographics and cultures change so does our media(I know this is a profound statement). Why are songs and books that deal with being authentic becoming so popular. Are Christians getting tired of faking their way through church, and acting as if they have it all together. Is there a profound change taking place in Christianity today?
Think about Christian artists, such as: Todd Agnew, Casting Crowns, Derek Webb, etc. All of these artists have at least one thing in common, they magnify the fact that most Christians are just going through the motions, settling for mediocrity. Todd Agnew's My Jesus confronts the issue that if we are imitating Christ then we would not look like the world. Casting Crown's Stained Glass Masquerade speaks about the fact that we are all hiding behind smiles and raised hands. Derek Webb's I Repent, Wedding Dress, T-Shits, etc. all address the notion that we act just like the world, when we are called to be and should be different.
The past couple of books that I have read deal with these same issues: Blue Like Jazz, The Importance of Being Foolish, and Velvet Elvis. Why is there such a draw to write and produce songs and books of this nature?
Maybe it is because they are saying what we are feeling. What do you think?
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Do You Ever Wonder?
Do you ever wonder? Good gracious, I am always thinking or wondering about what if this or what if that. I even lie in bed at night and keep myself awake wondering about any and everything.
While at work today I have been studying and thinking about the lesson that I am going to teach my students tonight and my mind has been fluttered with all sorts of thoughts. I have had so much trouble staying focused and on task. I have read Romans 14-15 about 20 times and I feel like ... blah.(By the way I am teaching through Romans)
So I tried something that I have read about and even practiced before... I let the words of my mamaw sink in.... "Justin, BE STILL....just BE STILL a minute" which is exactly what I needed to do. My grandmother is a wonderful woman of God that seems to be known for telling and advising others to BE STILL. I feel certain that she is quoting part of Psalm 46:10 and if so that makes BE STILL that much more powerful. Psalm 46:10 is a verse that explodes with the source of peace, or the absence of conflict, war, or anything that keeps us from being still.
Following the command to be still is the most incredible statement... and know that I am God (and not only that) but know that I am exalted among the nations.
God is our peace! He is sovereign, and can and will protect us from any battle. Whether a battle in our mind, with our flesh, or even against others. God protected his chosen Israel, and He protects you and I as well.
My prayer is that this truth will truly set me from from the bondage that I give myself to... a restless mind. I pray that I will BE STILL, resting in the fact that I serve a God that can take care of me and will see me through to completion.(Phil. 1:6)
While at work today I have been studying and thinking about the lesson that I am going to teach my students tonight and my mind has been fluttered with all sorts of thoughts. I have had so much trouble staying focused and on task. I have read Romans 14-15 about 20 times and I feel like ... blah.(By the way I am teaching through Romans)
So I tried something that I have read about and even practiced before... I let the words of my mamaw sink in.... "Justin, BE STILL....just BE STILL a minute" which is exactly what I needed to do. My grandmother is a wonderful woman of God that seems to be known for telling and advising others to BE STILL. I feel certain that she is quoting part of Psalm 46:10 and if so that makes BE STILL that much more powerful. Psalm 46:10 is a verse that explodes with the source of peace, or the absence of conflict, war, or anything that keeps us from being still.
Following the command to be still is the most incredible statement... and know that I am God (and not only that) but know that I am exalted among the nations.
God is our peace! He is sovereign, and can and will protect us from any battle. Whether a battle in our mind, with our flesh, or even against others. God protected his chosen Israel, and He protects you and I as well.
My prayer is that this truth will truly set me from from the bondage that I give myself to... a restless mind. I pray that I will BE STILL, resting in the fact that I serve a God that can take care of me and will see me through to completion.(Phil. 1:6)
What Does the World Need?
Monday while being bombarded with all the 9/11 news, comments and opinions i found myself thinking about the needs of our world and what ways God wanted to use me in meeting these needs. I was flooded with emotions as the book of Acts began playing in my mind. I remembered Jesus' last words right before he ascended into the clouds. I thought about the disciples being so unified in prayer and the day of Pentecost when men heard these Galilean Apostles speaking in every language known. The sermon of the less than distinguished Peter and the 3000 that were added to their number. I thought of the early church described in Acts 2.42-47 being the greatest example of what Paul would command the Philippians to in Phil. 2.5, when he exhorts them to have the mind(attitude) of Christ. What an awesome picture, believers considering one another as more important than themselves. What a challenge for us! While thinking of the church being sold out to Christ, i thought about the miraculous healings and the preaching of Peter and John that led to thousands more believing in Christ, not to mention their arrest and persecution. (The Jewish religious leaders ordered Peter and John not to speak of Jesus anymore, yet Peter and John never gave in. Instead they went to their fellowship and reported everything that happened to them. Immediately they began PRAYING... what a novel thing to do.)
{This is where God really began speaking to me}
Acts 4.24-31 is the account of Peter and John praying with their fellowship. What is contained in these verses could quite possibly be what we as believers should be praying. These follower's of The Way (not yet called Christians...see Acts 11.26) remembered the evil and the opposition that they were up against and instead of praying for safety, ease, and protection they prayed, "And now, Lord, consider their threats, and grant that Your slaves may speak Your message with COMPLETE BOLDNESS." And that is exactly what God did, he granted them boldness to speak and live the message of Christ (see Acts 4.32-37 for example).
I think this is what we Christians should be doing... praying for boldness to speak of Christ in every situation. Not hindered by the stereotype that might be placed on us, or the rumors that may ensue. Would we become the example that Paul sets forth in Phil. 2.5-11? Would we begin whole heartedly praying pleaing for the boldness to renew our minds and force our bodies into submission that we would speak and live out the life of Christ daily. (cf.- Acts 4.29; Rom. 12.1-2; 1 Cor. 9.24-27)
I wonder what kind of impact a bold, courageous Christian could have on the world today? Not simply saying the right words but living them as well. I think this is what Paul exhorts believers to in Rom. 12.1 when he urges, "Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, i urge you to present your bodies (all of you, not just words and not just actions, but all) as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual act of worship."In essence Paul is saying "Therefore", because of everything God has done for us: a.k.a.- gave us His son(John 3.16), provided propitiation (payment) (Rom. 3.25), freed us from sin(Rom. 6.15-18), law (Rom. 8.1-4), death (Rom. 6.5), etc., and has given us assurance and security (Rom ch. 8). Because of these things and so much more that God has done for us it is only fitting that we would in return give up our selfish desires and offer our lives to God. Meaning that we are giving God everything we have, our mind, abilities, desires, talents, etc. to be used however He deems necessary. Paul tells Christians that this is how you truly give worth or worship to God. Paul follows in verse 2 with the "how to" guide. We are to change our minds, what we think about. flee from the evil desires of this world and cling to the awe inspiring God of the Bible, then we will be able to approve of God's will, His good, pleasing, and perfect will.
To answer my own question " What does the World need?" I would have to answer: Jesus! Then that answer must be quickly followed up by Christians making Jesus glory known in all the earth. Which happens when we forget about ourselves and begin meeting the needs of others.these are my thoughts what are yours?
{This is where God really began speaking to me}
Acts 4.24-31 is the account of Peter and John praying with their fellowship. What is contained in these verses could quite possibly be what we as believers should be praying. These follower's of The Way (not yet called Christians...see Acts 11.26) remembered the evil and the opposition that they were up against and instead of praying for safety, ease, and protection they prayed, "And now, Lord, consider their threats, and grant that Your slaves may speak Your message with COMPLETE BOLDNESS." And that is exactly what God did, he granted them boldness to speak and live the message of Christ (see Acts 4.32-37 for example).
I think this is what we Christians should be doing... praying for boldness to speak of Christ in every situation. Not hindered by the stereotype that might be placed on us, or the rumors that may ensue. Would we become the example that Paul sets forth in Phil. 2.5-11? Would we begin whole heartedly praying pleaing for the boldness to renew our minds and force our bodies into submission that we would speak and live out the life of Christ daily. (cf.- Acts 4.29; Rom. 12.1-2; 1 Cor. 9.24-27)
I wonder what kind of impact a bold, courageous Christian could have on the world today? Not simply saying the right words but living them as well. I think this is what Paul exhorts believers to in Rom. 12.1 when he urges, "Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, i urge you to present your bodies (all of you, not just words and not just actions, but all) as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual act of worship."In essence Paul is saying "Therefore", because of everything God has done for us: a.k.a.- gave us His son(John 3.16), provided propitiation (payment) (Rom. 3.25), freed us from sin(Rom. 6.15-18), law (Rom. 8.1-4), death (Rom. 6.5), etc., and has given us assurance and security (Rom ch. 8). Because of these things and so much more that God has done for us it is only fitting that we would in return give up our selfish desires and offer our lives to God. Meaning that we are giving God everything we have, our mind, abilities, desires, talents, etc. to be used however He deems necessary. Paul tells Christians that this is how you truly give worth or worship to God. Paul follows in verse 2 with the "how to" guide. We are to change our minds, what we think about. flee from the evil desires of this world and cling to the awe inspiring God of the Bible, then we will be able to approve of God's will, His good, pleasing, and perfect will.
To answer my own question " What does the World need?" I would have to answer: Jesus! Then that answer must be quickly followed up by Christians making Jesus glory known in all the earth. Which happens when we forget about ourselves and begin meeting the needs of others.these are my thoughts what are yours?
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